With Christmas around the corner, I've got giving on my mind! I've been thinking about what to give my co-workers to mark the holiday and decided I'd finally give this DIY a try. I was inspired by these kits that I've had pinned on my Pinterest board for the longest time so with a bit of thought and planning I made my own to give this year!

I made peppermint marshmallows last year and they were successful so I thought I'd give it a go again this year using the recipe for Gingerbread Marshmallows in the Canadian Living Holiday Baking magazine. They were fool-proof! Last year I didn't have a candy thermometer, but this year I did and I'd recommend using one! These are perfectly light and fluffy, they set within 3 hours, and they taste just like gingerbread (thanks to the molasses and pumpkin pie spice!)

The graham crackers are also homemade using this Martha Stewart recipe. They were also easy in theory, albeit a bit crumbly which made them harder to work with. In the long run they worked out and taste like a graham cracker!

These kits include: gingerbread marshmallows, graham crackers, and sea salt dark chocolate. I wrapped up the marshmallows in cling-wrap since they're super sticky then packaged it all up in a cellophane bag!
There you have it! A tasty little treat packaged neatly—bow optional.
As the holidays approach, I'm sending all the good vibes to you in what you celebrate! Hopefully we'll get a bit of snow, because right now it's looking like a green Christmas (with 10 degree weather!)
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