Shorts: H&M (old - similar here and here) | Tote: Aerie | Necklace: H&M (similar) | Bracelet: Lauren Conrad | Sunglasses: Michael Kors (old)

Whether you're packing for spring break or dreaming about summer, this is one of my favourite laid back warm weather looks. 

I love patterns - especially bright, bold patterns, so it went without saying that I was adding these shorts to my wardrobe! I kept it simple with a white tank this day, but I'd be open to pairing these bottoms with a simpler pattern on top to really make a statement. I love that these shorts can be dressed up or down. 

I must say, it's hard to look at vacation pictures while wearing pjs under the covers with the heat on high. The warmth just isn't the same without the crashing waves and the sand between your toes!

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